Thank you.
So thankful to be taking the conversation forward. Please find revised assumptions and creative below. As well as a draft production schedule. With approval here, we will submit a 50% deposit to begin work.
Drive interest and sales using a story that communicates what's made possible with the Ambassador Interpreter.
· 2-3 minute Product Video
· 5-15 · Stills of Video
· Source material on a hard drive
Revised Assumptions
As we've been exploring options we started with some fixed assumptions based on your desires and budget constraints:
· We will shoot documentary-style to allow for more reality, capture more scenes, and show genuine product reactions
· We will cast four real people who fit our key verticals and specific location types: ESL teacher (generic location), entrepreneur with international business (startup), tour guide (popular spot), and supply chain/training (Chinatown or Ports)
· We'll look for people with compelling backstories about the implications of language barriers and tell them the project is for a branded documentary about language barriers and offer a stipend for participation (we won't tell them about the product until we are ready to do a capture a genuine reaction)
· With each talent we will conduct an interview, shoot broll/stills, and a genuine reaction to the product
· We will be between 1/2 and 1/3 of each day with each talent, keeping remaining time for man on the street reactions
· Post-production will include two pieces of stock music, sound mixing, color grading, stills editing, and exports in desired formats
Stylistically, we recommend shooting this with an elevated documentary style. Meaning that the lighting with be carefully crafted, we'll have organic movement in each shot, and we will shoot very intimately—bringing authenticity to each frame.
Creative Approach · NYC · What Could Have Been · $28k
We'll refine this concept as we start hearing stories and meeting our cast. But at present, we're working toward the idea that our product film opens with emotional or fun stories about language barriers and what they led to: the business deal that fell through, the job that they didn't get, the class they flunked, the love that just didn't make sense at the time, or the relative that they could never really connect with.
This will unfold over a quirky score which comes to a hard stop and a music change when our narrator comes in and says: all of that is about to be history.
We will then see our subjects with the Ambassador as we poetically cut from narration and reactions that hit on our core functionalities and key verticals. We'll see the pairing, language selection, ease of putting it on, and hear relevant translations in different environments to give depth and variety.
To close, we'll have a rising action in our score that comes to a powerful conclusion from our subject: now, we can focus on what will be. Not what could have been.
Revised detailed estimate here.
Working Schedule
· June 21 · Deposit Received
· June 22 - July 2 · Pre-Production/Casting Call/Craft Outline + Questions
· July 6 · 2 Hour Casting + Location Review
· July 9 · Pre-Pro Meeting
· July 12-14 · Production
· July 19-30 · Transcription/Selects/Post Production
· August 2 · 2-4 Hour Working Rough Cut/Stills Review
· August 4 · Changes
· August 5 · Review
· August 5-6 · Color/Sound
· August 9 · Final Review
· August 10 · Delivery
Thank you, again.
Please let us know if you have any questions. We'll look forward to more.